Pygame not handling keyboard tracking correctly
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-22 07:29:11 UTC
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct

if event.type is KEYDOWN:
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in KEYLIST:
if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the stuck
MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not scanning
the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-22 07:43:11 UTC
Dear Pygame experts/enthusiasts around the world,

Having looked at some possible solutions on stackoverflow I optimized the
code to this

#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard -------------------

if event.type is KEYDOWN:
x = event.unicode

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = True

if event.type is KEYUP:
x = event.unicode

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = False

Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes and
stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
Any help is much appreciated.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in
KEYLIST: if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the stuck
MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not scanning
the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Sam Bull
2014-06-22 11:20:48 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes
and stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
First thing you could do, is to check if the events are coming in
correctly. At the top of the event loop, just add a print statement
'print(event.key, event.type)', and then check the output to see if you
get all the KEYUP events for each key following their KEYDOWN events. If
they're all there, and in the right order, then it is a problem with
your code, otherwise it might just be missing events.
I don't know if SDL/Pygame is supposed to guarantee these events or
not, it could also be possible that it's just overflowing the keyboard
buffer or something.

It's also worth noting, though doesn't sound like the problem you're
having, that you don't receive keyboard events when the window loses
focus, so you could press a button, lose focus, let go of the key,
regain focus, and it would never receive the KEYUP event.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-22 15:21:47 UTC
If I use the keyboard scan routine in several places in the main program
will that help?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes
and stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
First thing you could do, is to check if the events are coming in
correctly. At the top of the event loop, just add a print statement
'print(event.key, event.type)', and then check the output to see if you
get all the KEYUP events for each key following their KEYDOWN events. If
they're all there, and in the right order, then it is a problem with
your code, otherwise it might just be missing events.
I don't know if SDL/Pygame is supposed to guarantee these events or
not, it could also be possible that it's just overflowing the keyboard
buffer or something.
It's also worth noting, though doesn't sound like the problem you're
having, that you don't receive keyboard events when the window loses
focus, so you could press a button, lose focus, let go of the key,
regain focus, and it would never receive the KEYUP event.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
Greg Ewing
2014-06-22 22:55:34 UTC
Post by Sam Bull
I don't know if SDL/Pygame is supposed to guarantee these events or
not, it could also be possible that it's just overflowing the keyboard
buffer or something.
Also keep in mind that computer keyboards often don't
handle multiple keys being pressed at once very well,
which could easily happen if you're trying to play
notes quickly.

I'd still expect to get a key-up for every key-down,
but maybe not.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
2014-06-23 00:36:22 UTC
It may help to have less duplicate code.

if event.type is KEYDOWN or KEYUP:
x = event.unicode

if x in KEYLIST:
play_number = 100 if event.type ==
KEYDOWN else 0
key_select = True if event.type ==
KEYDOWN else False
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, play_number,1) # play the note

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = key_select

Also your code may run into issues if you change KEYLIST and/or
keyboard_full between frames. It may also be that you're losing the screen
and pressing getting the keyup event off screen where you may not get it.
You can check for the status of keys using the keyboard pygame module
independent of events. That'll give you the status of the key right now.
Also make sure you're completely using the event buffer. It may get full.
If you use event.get(type) then all the other types stay on the list. So
use pump to get rid of them.

Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Dear Pygame experts/enthusiasts around the world,
Having looked at some possible solutions on stackoverflow I optimized the
code to this
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note
key.key_select = True
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)
key.key_select = False
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes and
stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
Any help is much appreciated.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in
KEYLIST: if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the stuck
MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not scanning
the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
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errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Jeffrey Kleykamp
2014-06-23 00:39:56 UTC
Also unicode will give you caps if you type shift or caps lock. So if you
hold 'b' then hold shift and let go of 'b' I suspect you'll replicate the
issue. Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't have a unicode so
that may also be it.

It's better to use the key attribute which is independent of caps lock and


On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Jeffrey Kleykamp <
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
It may help to have less duplicate code.
x = event.unicode
play_number = 100 if event.type ==
KEYDOWN else 0
key_select = True if event.type ==
KEYDOWN else False
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, play_number,1) # play the note
key.key_select = key_select
Also your code may run into issues if you change KEYLIST and/or
keyboard_full between frames. It may also be that you're losing the screen
and pressing getting the keyup event off screen where you may not get it.
You can check for the status of keys using the keyboard pygame module
independent of events. That'll give you the status of the key right now.
Also make sure you're completely using the event buffer. It may get full.
If you use event.get(type) then all the other types stay on the list. So
use pump to get rid of them.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Dear Pygame experts/enthusiasts around the world,
Having looked at some possible solutions on stackoverflow I optimized the
code to this
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note
key.key_select = True
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)
key.key_select = False
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes and
stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
Any help is much appreciated.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 12:59 PM, diliup gabadamudalige <
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in
KEYLIST: if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the stuck
MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not
scanning the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Jeffrey Kleykamp
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 05:39:03 UTC
Hi all!
my code is like this

def get_keys(): pygame.event.pump() #mouse buttons left-1, middle-2,
right-3 for event in pygame.event.get():
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
if event.type is KEYUP:

x = (event.unicode)

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = True

if event.type is KEYUP:

x = check_chr_key(event.key)

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = False

v.mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
v.printnotename = [v.mousepos[0] + 12, v.mousepos[1]]

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Jeffrey Kleykamp <
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
Also unicode will give you caps if you type shift or caps lock. So if you
hold 'b' then hold shift and let go of 'b' I suspect you'll replicate the
issue. Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't have a unicode so
that may also be it.
It's better to use the key attribute which is independent of caps lock and
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Jeffrey Kleykamp <
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
It may help to have less duplicate code.
x = event.unicode
play_number = 100 if event.type
== KEYDOWN else 0
key_select = True if event.type
== KEYDOWN else False
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, play_number,1) # play the note
key.key_select = key_select
Also your code may run into issues if you change KEYLIST and/or
keyboard_full between frames. It may also be that you're losing the screen
and pressing getting the keyup event off screen where you may not get it.
You can check for the status of keys using the keyboard pygame module
independent of events. That'll give you the status of the key right now.
Also make sure you're completely using the event buffer. It may get full.
If you use event.get(type) then all the other types stay on the list. So
use pump to get rid of them.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Dear Pygame experts/enthusiasts around the world,
Having looked at some possible solutions on stackoverflow I optimized
the code to this
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note
key.key_select = True
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)
key.key_select = False
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes and
stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
Any help is much appreciated.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 12:59 PM, diliup gabadamudalige <
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in
KEYLIST: if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the
stuck MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not
scanning the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
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dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Jake b
2014-06-23 05:47:31 UTC
Try removing pump(), since you are using event.get()

Otherwise a small, runnable script lets others try it.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 05:47:49 UTC
SORRY I accidentally sent the message without completion (by hitting the
tab button :) )

code goes like this
def check_chr_key(x):
"""check if the event.key chr is within printable range"""
if x < 256:
y = chr(x) # get the key that is pressed
y = 0 # dummy value

return y

def get_keys():


#mouse buttons left-1, middle-2, right-3
for event in pygame.event.get():
v.mouse_key = "" # when the mouse moves off the keyboard
v.black_kdown = False

if event.type is KEYDOWN:

#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard -------------------

x = (event.unicode)

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = True

if event.type is KEYUP:

x = check_chr_key(event.key)

if x in KEYLIST:
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)

for key in keyboard_full:
if v.keyMIDInn == key.midi_note_no:
key.key_select = False

above is the related code
at the end of the function I had this line

before exiting the function

somehow when I removed that line the error stopped. I tried hitting the
keys in so many different ways but didn't get a single error so far. So may
be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time the loop was
entered. Is that correct?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Hi all!
my code is like this
def get_keys(): pygame.event.pump() #mouse buttons left-1, middle-2,
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
x = (event.unicode)
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note
key.key_select = True
x = check_chr_key(event.key)
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)
key.key_select = False
v.mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
v.printnotename = [v.mousepos[0] + 12, v.mousepos[1]]
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Jeffrey Kleykamp <
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
Also unicode will give you caps if you type shift or caps lock. So if you
hold 'b' then hold shift and let go of 'b' I suspect you'll replicate the
issue. Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't have a unicode so
that may also be it.
It's better to use the key attribute which is independent of caps lock
and shift.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Jeffrey Kleykamp <
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
It may help to have less duplicate code.
x = event.unicode
play_number = 100 if event.type
== KEYDOWN else 0
key_select = True if event.type
== KEYDOWN else False
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, play_number,1) # play the note
key.key_select = key_select
Also your code may run into issues if you change KEYLIST and/or
keyboard_full between frames. It may also be that you're losing the screen
and pressing getting the keyup event off screen where you may not get it.
You can check for the status of keys using the keyboard pygame module
independent of events. That'll give you the status of the key right now.
Also make sure you're completely using the event buffer. It may get full.
If you use event.get(type) then all the other types stay on the list. So
use pump to get rid of them.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 3:43 AM, diliup gabadamudalige <
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Dear Pygame experts/enthusiasts around the world,
Having looked at some possible solutions on stackoverflow I optimized
the code to this
#------------------- play keyboard via computer keyboard
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the note
key.key_select = True
x = event.unicode
v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1)
key.key_select = False
Still, if I play the keyboard really fast there are stuck MIDI notes
and stuck animations.
What could be the reason?
Any help is much appreciated.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 12:59 PM, diliup gabadamudalige <
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Below is my code
the indention is wrong here but in the program it is correct
x = check_chr_key(event.key) if x in
KEYLIST: if x in KEY_TO_MIDI_NN: # if key in midi note dict v.keyMIDInn =
KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave player.note_on(v.keyMIDInn, 100,1) # play the
key.key_select = True if event.type is KEYUP: x = check_chr_key(event.key)
if x in KEYLIST: v.keyMIDInn = KEY_TO_MIDI_NN[x] + v.octave
player.note_off(v.keyMIDInn, 0,1) for key in keyboard_full: if v.keyMIDInn
== key.midi_note_no: key.key_select = False If I play the keyboard
leisurely this works fine. But If I play the keyboard really fast
sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and so does the Animation ( the
stuck MIDI note shows the keyboard note as down)
I can't see anything wrong in the code. Is it that Pygame is not
scanning the keyboard fast enough? What is the work around to this?
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Jeffrey Kleykamp
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Greg Ewing
2014-06-23 06:04:46 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
before exiting the function
somehow when I removed that line the error stopped.
That would definitely be it! You were throwing away any
events that came in between calling event.get() and
reaching the end of your function. Not a good idea when
you rely critically on seeing *all* key up events.

I don't know why you thought you needed to call
event.clear(), but whatever your reason was, it was
probably wrong.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
may be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time the loop
was entered. Is that correct?
Exactly correct.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 06:15:49 UTC
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that if
you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill up and
cause the program to crash.

Also can you explain why

if x is True:
is not correct

if x == True
is correct?
Post by Greg Ewing
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
before exiting the function
somehow when I removed that line the error stopped.
That would definitely be it! You were throwing away any
events that came in between calling event.get() and
reaching the end of your function. Not a good idea when
you rely critically on seeing *all* key up events.
I don't know why you thought you needed to call
event.clear(), but whatever your reason was, it was
probably wrong.
So may be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time the loop
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
was entered. Is that correct?
Exactly correct.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Greg Ewing
2014-06-23 06:45:01 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that if
you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill up and
cause the program to crash.
What it says is:

If you are only taking specific events from the queue,
be aware that the queue could eventually fill up with
the events you are not interested.

But event.get() without an argument takes *all* events
from the queue, so this doesn't apply in that case.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Also can you explain why
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
Neither of those is correct. You should just be doing

if x:

There might be some very rare cases where comparing
something directly with True or False is justified,
but then whether to use 'is' or '==' will depend
on why you are doing it.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Greg Ewing
before exiting the function
somehow when I removed that line the error stopped.
That would definitely be it! You were throwing away any
events that came in between calling event.get() and
reaching the end of your function. Not a good idea when
you rely critically on seeing *all* key up events.
I don't know why you thought you needed to call
event.clear(), but whatever your reason was, it was
probably wrong.
So may be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time
the loop was entered. Is that correct?
Exactly correct.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please
delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing,
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strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Internet communications cannot
be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free. The sender does
not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
Noel Garwick
2014-06-23 06:45:48 UTC
Im curious why "is" is bad in this case, as well. It's a constant; isn't
that a good use for is, whether it's referring to an int or not? I tend to
do this for event handling. Maybe ints are always pointers in python?

The caveat for events is just warning you that the queue could fill up if
you didnt call pygame.event.get() at all.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that if
you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill up and
cause the program to crash.
Also can you explain why
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
Post by Greg Ewing
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
before exiting the function
somehow when I removed that line the error stopped.
That would definitely be it! You were throwing away any
events that came in between calling event.get() and
reaching the end of your function. Not a good idea when
you rely critically on seeing *all* key up events.
I don't know why you thought you needed to call
event.clear(), but whatever your reason was, it was
probably wrong.
So may be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time the loop
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
was entered. Is that correct?
Exactly correct.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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errors or omissions.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 06:52:03 UTC
I too was thinking on the lines of Noel on this matter. I actually read
this somewhere. If i can find it I will share it
Post by Noel Garwick
Im curious why "is" is bad in this case, as well. It's a constant; isn't
that a good use for is, whether it's referring to an int or not? I tend to
do this for event handling. Maybe ints are always pointers in python?
The caveat for events is just warning you that the queue could fill up if
you didnt call pygame.event.get() at all.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that if
you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill up and
cause the program to crash.
Also can you explain why
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
Post by Greg Ewing
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
before exiting the function
somehow when I removed that line the error stopped.
That would definitely be it! You were throwing away any
events that came in between calling event.get() and
reaching the end of your function. Not a good idea when
you rely critically on seeing *all* key up events.
I don't know why you thought you needed to call
event.clear(), but whatever your reason was, it was
probably wrong.
So may be I had to keep all the unused events for the next time the
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
loop was entered. Is that correct?
Exactly correct.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
Sam Bull
2014-06-23 07:41:31 UTC
Post by Noel Garwick
Im curious why "is" is bad in this case, as well. It's a constant;
isn't that a good use for is, whether it's referring to an int or not?
I tend to do this for event handling. Maybe ints are always pointers
in python?
I was just about to say this too. I assume if a library is exposing
constants to me, that the library uses those constants internally, using
direct references. So, the value is always a reference to the actual
constant, meaning I can be sure that it is always the constant object
itself, and not just an equal value. That is, if:
event.type is EVENT
returns False, I can be sure it is not that event type, even if they
happened to be equal in value.

Having flicked through the code, this would appear to be correct. Pygame
gets it constants directly from the SDL constants, and the events in SDL
directly use the constants and not arbitrary ints.
Sam Bull
2014-06-23 07:33:00 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.

So, if we write:
"foo" is True

We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
the other is the True object. But, if we do:
"foo" == True

Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).

Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
value and still not be the same object. Thus:
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False

b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True

This becomes more obvious if we were to use mutable types:
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False

On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
equal to itself:
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 07:37:53 UTC
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b

what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 07:39:51 UTC
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both given
TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and a is
b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
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errors or omissions.
Sam Bull
2014-06-23 07:57:39 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both
given TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and
a is b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
As previously mentioned, low integers (0-255 or so, I believe) are
interned when Python starts up. This means they will always refer to the
same object wherever they are used. But, this is an implementation
detail used for optimisation and not something you should rely on in
your code.

If you created the items separately, you cannot assume they are the same
object. They could be the same object, simply depending on how the
internal implementation decides to optimise it, but you should never
rely on it, unless you have taken the direct reference (a = b), or in
the case of strings, used the intern() function to explicitly intern

As I mentioned before, it should be safe to do this with constants, as
you are using the direct reference to the constant itself, and not just
creating an integer of the same value.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 08:08:42 UTC
Thank you very much to all. Now very clear.
May you be well.
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both
given TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and
a is b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
As previously mentioned, low integers (0-255 or so, I believe) are
interned when Python starts up. This means they will always refer to the
same object wherever they are used. But, this is an implementation
detail used for optimisation and not something you should rely on in
your code.
If you created the items separately, you cannot assume they are the same
object. They could be the same object, simply depending on how the
internal implementation decides to optimise it, but you should never
rely on it, unless you have taken the direct reference (a = b), or in
the case of strings, used the intern() function to explicitly intern
As I mentioned before, it should be safe to do this with constants, as
you are using the direct reference to the constant itself, and not just
creating an integer of the same value.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
2014-06-23 14:32:37 UTC
That's just a caching issue. Cpython caches small numbers so that a and b
can be the same object. This works because whenever you change the number
you are reassigning the value as opposed to changing a value within the
a = 10
b = 10
a is b # True
a = 100
a is b # False
print(a, b) # 100, 10

There's no way the python interpreter can get confused so, I guess, the
python programmers though they'd save a little memory that way.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both given
TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and a is
b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
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secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
2014-06-23 15:14:54 UTC

id(a), id(b)

In some cases they are different objects, and "a is b" rightly evaluates
to False.

Post by diliup gabadamudalige
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both
given TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and
a is b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:07 PM, diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame
documentation that
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it
may fill
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be
considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If
you are not the intended recipient or have received it in error,
please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the
sender immediately by return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading,
reproducing, printing or further dissemination of this e-mail or
its contents is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Internet
communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or
virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please
delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing,
printing or further dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Internet communications
cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free. The
sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
Berlioz Silver
2014-06-23 18:06:35 UTC

If someone had read the python docs, they'd have known exactly why this
occurs. The difference between the keyword operator "is" and "==" is due to
the fact that:
* some people want to compare a custom class and an integer, and if the
custom class' __ methods return the same as the integer, the want a value
of true.
* some people want to know if the number they got IS EXACTLY 3 and won't do
wonky stuff when they multiply it.

Thus we have 4 operators for equality comparisons:

== (eq)
=== (is)
Post by Fülöp András
id(a), id(b)
In some cases they are different objects, and "a is b" rightly evaluates
to False.
when you say a=100 and b=100 it is understood that a and b are both given
TWO values and that both are the same is a coincidence.
BUT if that is the case how can a is b be TRUE for small integers and a is
b False for large integers? What logic is Python using here?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Sam Bull
2014-06-23 21:54:18 UTC
Feel free to show the docs that contradict this, but this is not
correct. In fact, I think you are talking about Javascript rather than
Post by Berlioz Silver
If someone had read the python docs, they'd have known exactly why
this occurs.
* some people want to know if the number they got IS EXACTLY 3 and
won't do wonky stuff when they multiply it.
We have just explained it, and this is not the reason. If a value is
equal to (==) 3, then it is exactly equal to 3. But, as previously
discussed (particularly with numbers above 255), a value of 3 does not
need to be the same object (is) as another 3. They can be two identical
numbers, stored in the same way, but as separate objects in memory, thus
Post by Berlioz Silver
a = 2020
a is 2020 # False
So, it has absolutely nothing to do with multiplication.
Post by Berlioz Silver
== (eq)
=== (is)
That's 2 operators, and one doesn't exist in Python, again, you may be
thinking of Javascript. The operators are '==' and 'is'.

Fülöp András
2014-06-23 07:45:19 UTC

It's because python's* is *operator checks if the two item is the same, and
== checks for equality. Also python stores an object for the numbers from
-5 to 255 to speed up things.
Check it:
a = 255
b = 255
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)
a = 256
b = 256
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)

Hope it clears up some things!
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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errors or omissions.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 07:50:05 UTC
ok. This confusion happens when one ASSUMES that eqality is same, correct?
Post by Fülöp András
It's because python's* is *operator checks if the two item is the same,
and == checks for equality. Also python stores an object for the numbers
from -5 to 255 to speed up things.
a = 255
b = 255
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)
a = 256
b = 256
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)
Hope it clears up some things!
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
look at this!
a = 100
b = 100
a == b
a is b
a = 1000
b = 1000
a is b
a == b
what on earth is this? what is this logic?
Post by Sam Bull
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
up and cause the program to crash.
Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
event.get() and event.clear() calls.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is not correct
if x == True
is correct?
This obviously depends on what x is.
"foo" is True
We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
"foo" == True
Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
a = 4040
b = 4040
a == b # True
a is b # Could be False
b = a # b now references the a object itself
a is b # Always True
a = [2]
b = [2]
# Obviously, these are two distinct objects
a == b # True
a is b # False
# Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
# objects.
a == b # False
On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
a = float("NaN")
a == a # False
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Greg Ewing
2014-06-23 05:53:52 UTC
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't
have a unicode
That is very true, which means this won't work at all:

if event.type is KEYUP:
x = event.unicode

Also, it's a bad idea to use 'is' to compare ints. It
may appear to work in this case, but it's only working
by accident. You should do this instead:

if event.type == KEYUP:
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 05:57:57 UTC
thank you Greg. Noted and will correct now.

Thank you Jake B. I commented out the event pump and modified the next
line to this

def get_keys():


#mouse buttons left-1, middle-2, right-3
for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP, MOUSEMOTION, MOUSEBUTTONUP]):

so far works well. I also noted a slight increase in speed. Is that my
imagination or could specifying the events looked at speed up the process?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't have a unicode
x = event.unicode
Also, it's a bad idea to use 'is' to compare ints. It
may appear to work in this case, but it's only working
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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errors or omissions.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 05:59:26 UTC
Can someone please explain why
if event.type is KEYUP:

is bad and

if event.type == KEYUP:

is correct?

Isn't it the same logic?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
thank you Greg. Noted and will correct now.
Thank you Jake B. I commented out the event pump and modified the next
line to this
#mouse buttons left-1, middle-2, right-3
for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP, MOUSEMOTION,
so far works well. I also noted a slight increase in speed. Is that my
imagination or could specifying the events looked at speed up the process?
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Post by Jeffrey Kleykamp
Although it looks like the "KEYUP" events don't have a unicode
x = event.unicode
Also, it's a bad idea to use 'is' to compare ints. It
may appear to work in this case, but it's only working
Diliup Gabadamudalige
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and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
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dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Greg Ewing
2014-06-23 06:25:33 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
Can someone please explain why
is bad and
is correct?
The 'is' operator tests whether two expressions refer to
the *same* object. It's possible for two different int
objects to have the same value, in which case 'is' and
'==' will give different results, e.g.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 == 2 * 333
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 is 2 * 333

You can be misled if you try this experiment with
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
6 is 2 * 3

This happens because CPython keeps a cache of small
integer objects and re-uses them. But that's strictly
an implementation detail, and not something you
should rely on. The only reliable way to tell whether
two ints are equal is to use ==.
diliup gabadamudalige
2014-06-23 07:26:23 UTC
6 is 2 * 3
666 is 2 * 333
60 is 10 * 6
666 == 2 * 333

above is the result of my check
This is really weird!
I thought computers were absolute logic and didn't work like humans.
Looks like the programmers have included their idiosyncrasies to the
programs! Else how could this be possible?
Post by Greg Ewing
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is bad and
is correct?
The 'is' operator tests whether two expressions refer to
the *same* object. It's possible for two different int
objects to have the same value, in which case 'is' and
'==' will give different results, e.g.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 == 2 * 333
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 is 2 * 333
You can be misled if you try this experiment with
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
6 is 2 * 3
This happens because CPython keeps a cache of small
integer objects and re-uses them. But that's strictly
an implementation detail, and not something you
should rely on. The only reliable way to tell whether
two ints are equal is to use ==.
Diliup Gabadamudalige


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Jeffrey Kleykamp
2014-06-23 14:27:20 UTC
You're confused about what the 'is' operator and the '==' are. They aren't
the same thing. 'is' checks if two objects are the exact same objects.
Whereas '==' checks if they are equal objects.

Also I suggest using event.get() without specific types and ignoring event
types that you don't care about. Or else you'll lose certain events you do
care about when you use clear.

6 is 2 * 3
666 is 2 * 333
60 is 10 * 6
666 == 2 * 333
above is the result of my check
This is really weird!
I thought computers were absolute logic and didn't work like humans.
Looks like the programmers have included their idiosyncrasies to the
programs! Else how could this be possible?
Post by Greg Ewing
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
is bad and
is correct?
The 'is' operator tests whether two expressions refer to
the *same* object. It's possible for two different int
objects to have the same value, in which case 'is' and
'==' will give different results, e.g.
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 == 2 * 333
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
666 is 2 * 333
You can be misled if you try this experiment with
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
6 is 2 * 3
This happens because CPython keeps a cache of small
integer objects and re-uses them. But that's strictly
an implementation detail, and not something you
should rely on. The only reliable way to tell whether
two ints are equal is to use ==.
Diliup Gabadamudalige
This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
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and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.
Jeffrey Kleykamp
Greg Ewing
2014-06-23 06:14:09 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
so far works well. I also noted a slight increase in speed. Is that my
imagination or could specifying the events looked at speed up the process?
It's almost certainly your imagination. The only thing you're
saving is a do-nothing trip around the event loop for each
event other than the ones you're interested in. Unless you're
getting events at an *extremely* high rate, I wouldn't expect
that to make a noticeable difference.

Also, if you do that, you'll need to somehow clear out all
the other event types, otherwise they'll eventually fill up
the buffer and you'll start losing events. You *could* do
that using event.clear() with a list of all the other event
types, but I really doubt whether it's worth the trouble.
Sam Bull
2014-06-23 07:48:04 UTC
Post by diliup gabadamudalige
so far works well. I also noted a slight increase in speed. Is that my
imagination or could specifying the events looked at speed up the process?
If those are the only event types you are interested in across your
whole program, then the most efficient and convenient method is to use

This will stop any other event type going into the queue. This means you
don't need to process the other events in your loop, like with your
get(typelist) method. But, it also means the queue will never fill up,
and you won't have to worry about clearing it. With only the event types
you want allowed to enter the queue, you can just use a plain
event.get() to get everything, as it will only include the allowed